Talk About Local Un-Conference on Saturday 17th April 2010 bringing together a collection of community activists, web developers and journalists interested in hyperlocal publishing. The day was an enthusiastic affair which
will lead to many local community websites and hyperlocal blogs being re-invigorated and re-freshed with lots of new ideas, methods and approaches.
A conference session was held on Hyperlocal Newsgathering. The participants revealed a wide variety of methods are being used to collect local news and information to furnish hyperlocal blog posts, features and articles. These can roughly be broken down into four different areas:
Community: This covers such practical things as walking or cycling your home patch and discovering leaflets, posters, flyers and official notices about events and issues.
Councillor Sean Brady explained one of his key news sources came through drinking at the local coffee bar. Interesting local stories and views can also be gathered through speaking to people at natural gathering points for the community i.e. the school gates at dropping off/picking up time.
Community and school newsletters can be a vital source of information on local activities and groups. Making and maintaining official contacts with local PCSO's, Neighbourhood Wardens or Community Rangers might also ensure you get a regular dripfeed of local public information and advice.
Council/Official Sources: Ploughing through Council minutes and agendas can be time consuming but unearth really useful local information. Actually attending Council committees and meetings of the Local Strategic Partnership can give you a first-hand insight into local issues and decision-making. Keeping track of Council planning Committees and sub-committees, by online and/or physical means, is another useful activity routinely carried out by journalists. Making full use of information released under FOI (the Freedom of Information Act) and actually making FOI requests is another useful activity that can often result in stories from a differnt 'expose' angle.
And don't forget getting yourself on official mailing lists to be sent press releases from the public, private and voluntary sector.
Social Networking/Facebook, etc: Many of those present used Facebook, YouTube or Flickr, not only to share stories with local people, but also to encourage local people to share
their information, knowledge and expertise about the local area.
Online: Tom Steinberg from MySociety explained how e-mail alerts and RSS from sites such as
whatdotheyknow, and
OPSI’s unlocking service, can lead to regular supplies of data about your area.
Google Alerts correctly edited can also provide useful information based around key words. And of course your own comments on your website can provide leads to local stories. A key source for background information and sometimes direct leads to local material can also come through the use of Twitter.
Further information: An essential e-book on Hyperlocal Newsgathering has been written by one time VikingFM journalist
Adam Westbrook which is worth every penny of the asking price for the aspiring community reporter. Also
The Silhillian is developing a new essential online support for Hyperlocal journalists on
More news from Talk About Local soon, but in the meanwhile it has to be reported locally that the 'award' for the "
best attack on Hyperlocal from traditional media" was unfortunately won by the Hull Daily Mail (
read story here).