The Hedon Blog attempted some offline publicity last week. Five thousand flyers were circulated to addresses in the HU12 post code area which includes all the 3,500 households in Hedon. The leaflets were copied by local printers Green Print for £120.00 and distributed by the Holderness Advertiser for £115.00 - a significant investment in publicity!
So was this exercise successful?
On the face of it the exercise only caused a blip in hits on the site. The day before the leaflet then the internal Wordpress Stats Counter marked 113 views. On the two days of the leaflet delivery then 254 and 350 hits were recorded respectively on the Wednesday and Thursday . On the Friday views were only 162 and 104 on the Saturday.
The top posts on the busiest day were: Hedon Online 24 views, Hedon Christmas Lights 22, and the What's On page 20.
Comments on the site picked up with eight new submissions (disregarding spam and my own replies) and the Facebook Page picked up seven new fans. Two new issues were brought to my attention which formed the basis of two posts on parking problems and a derelict building.
The benefits of the leaflet drop are probably still going to be felt over the next week or so. Questions can be raised about whether the leaflet was effective and whether having it distributed with other advertising flyers was a good idea. But on balance the experiment was worthwhile - even if to rule it out as an economic option in the future!
The Hedon Blog will use offline publicity again, but probably limited to posters in key places and the distribution of business cards.
Have Bloggers out there had better experiences of using flyers to promote their Blog?
Using online tools to reach, engage and communicate with the people that matter most to you!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Ongoing Hyperlocal Discussion & Developments
This is the slideshare presentation hosted on the Sarah Hartley Blog. She gives an update on her research into "Hyperlocal Developments".

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