As 'Blogging' websites then The Rough Guide to Blogging (Rough Guides Reference Titles)
"Navigate the blogosphere" and "Unleash your online voice..." are the bylines to this extremely useful book.
Although published two years ago in 2006 - a long time when discussing things to do with social media - this definitive guide is still one of the best books on Blogging available.
Covering every aspect of the Blogosphere from starting and writing a blog, through to making money from blogging, the book is more of an 'ultimate reference' than a 'rough guide'.
The book is packed with examples and case-studies and includes its very own 'Blogroll' reviews of 250 of the world's most respected, notorious and infamous Blogs.
So if you are looking for a present to introduce yourself or friends to the world of Blogging - then this book is for you. It can be purchased at reduced rates through this website's association with Amazon by clicking the link above.